Timeline of OWOT

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  • June 8 – Andrew Badr launches OWOT as an alternative to YWOT which permits unrestricted scripting.


  • August 20 - The original OWOT shuts down due to likely funding issues.


  • October 8 – OWOT in its current form is launched by InfraRaven and FP.
  • October 28 – The first changelog is released.
  • October 30 – Changelog 2 is released.


  • March 3 – Changelog 3 is released.
  • March 6 – Changelog 4 is created.
  • July 19 – Changelog 5 is released.
  • December 1 – Changelog 6 is released.


  • September 2 – Changelog 7 is released.


  • March-May: There was a high amount of image spam in this time period.
  • May 11 – Changelog 8 is released.


  • July – Changelog 9 is released.


  • May – Changelog 10 is released.


  • February 25 – OWOT becomes open source.
  • March-May: The AntiSwear campaign was one of the major dramas. (?)
  • May 27 – Changelog 11 is released.


  • February 15 – FP announces the removal of chat on the front page, scheduled for March 10, 2024.
  • February 23 – Lemuria starts publishing Our World of News, an OWOT newspaper and competitor to OWOT Today.
  • March 10 – Chat is removed and the Week Without Chat begins.
  • March 17 – Chat returns.
  • April 29 – Chat is removed again as FP gives up on stopping spam attacks.
  • May 15 – Yagton becomes an admin on the Discord server.