Trash:My Cock Burns

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/mycockburns is a hub world for erotic fan-fiction by 3489weijd4otih, created on January 4th, 2023 to house his collection of fan-fics.{{subst:Worlds}}


Fan-fiction in the world include:

  • CleanDick1 (50 Shades of CleanFish), an erotic fan-fiction about CleanFish1 being gang-banged
  • JunoTehFurry (Juno, The Closet Incestuous Furry), a fan-fic about JunoTehPlanet wanting to rape his own sister,
  • AlphabetGore (Alphabet.AVI), a fan-fiction about a gory version of Alphabet Lore being watched by JunoTehPlanet, with a reference to FP at the end.