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Factions are a group of ascii stickmen or something else with a common interest.
Factions originally came from YWOT but Guest-1052 and some other people brought them to owot.
A pretty big problem with factions is that they are hard to see when the main page is spammed. That is why /main has more factions.
There arent many factions. Probably because people dont like it. And that the community is getting filled with griefers and trolls.
Many people are factionless. Anyone can start one. Also the reason why people are factionless is because recruiting isnt easy. So you can make your own army by yourself.

List of Factions

Alt labs zombie fight

Alt Labs

Alt Labs is the first faction which has confirmed to be a real faction. The faction is full of stickman wearing ◘ or ◙ Hats. These hats are really good.
Because they offer a lot of protection and also can be equipped with body armour.
The origin date of Alt Labs is unknown but they are pretty active. They have visited Textwall, YWOT and OWOT.
Oh and they have been angry with Vyns from YWOT and have really good tech like void crystals. Also something they have been fighting with other factions.
Obviously the faction was made by Guest-1052. They have been caught using a combat system which is simiular to minecraft.

This faction is more documented on the ywot wiki. So i didnt add a picture


The Cmb joined owot and they had some fights. The user was called CMB and it was fun.
They came from Half Life.