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J.R.T. is a user on OWoT. His main color is #8000ff. While his username is JRT4294967296, He prefers to go by J.R.T. He joined on August 8, 2024, at 11:13 AM CST, technically making him a newgen. He discovered OWoT through J.R.T. isn't openly racist or promiscuous, so any text in #8000ff exhibiting racist or promiscuous tendencies is likely an impersonator.

Quick Facts:

  • J.R.T. is MALE.
  • He lives in the USA.
  • He is AROMANTIC. (look the definition up if you need to.)

J.R.T.'s activities on OWoT

J.R.T. usually leaves comments and notes on other users' text or art. Often, J.R.T. archives art that he finds impressive when not making arts himself.

J.R.T. is also nigh impossible to genuinely anger since he has the common sense to acknowledge that OWoT is essentially the boiled-down basics of nearly every internet conflict and caveat. Many anons often target him for reasons often known only to them. Any on-canvas arguments you find him in are almost always driven by J.R.T.'s boredom as the campus he currently resides on is the most boring place on earth and has virtually nothing else to do at times. Such arguments usually only end when either J.R.T. forgets about the argument(s) or the other user(s) stop pressing any issues. Any real arguments (e.g. about another user's activity, etc) usually require readily available context for J.R.T. to take either side.

The Stalker Anon Event

A little while ago, J.R.T. had temporarily revamped the lime.cave. As expected, this was met with mixed results. J.R.T. himself even had mixed feelings about the renovation as he realized that it took much of lime.cave's original charm away. A peculiar anon, however, had begun hating on J.R.T.'s revamp, mentioning J.R.T.'s mansion in the process. J.R.T.'s mansion is a substantial semi-ASCII art piece J.R.T. often pastes around worlds he's visited—however, the world in which lime.cave was situated is the only public world where J.R.T. has not pasted his mansion, which gave J.R.T. reason to believe this anon was following him from public world to world.

While no exploit path was found, J.R.T. still suspects that the anon used an external text locator to locate J.R.T.'s signature typing style, though this is very far-fetched, to say the least. This situation has been ended, however.

Various instances of J.R.T.'s tanks scattered about the area. Anon wrote "jrt this is what i hate about you you make everything so self centered you cant lose make it so you have 999 plot armor you need to stop and improve" J.R.T. then wrote "<buddy I don't G A F what you think, If anything, you're a wee bit self-centered yourself for having the balls to put other people down (which only puts you on their level.) I did not say that I was OP, and obviously these tanks are not literally indestructible. You're taking random shit on the internet way to goddamn seriously. I'm not mad, I'm just speaking the facts. -In the hopes you stop being a whiny ass anon, J.R.T. P.S. Say whatever you want. I legally cannot stop you. But I also won't be whining about your cyberbullying ahh like you whined about me typing bullshit on a damn screen. -Nice assumptions though"
The anon's text style (left, below J.R.T.'s tank description) is similar to the one above as this anon targets J.R.T.'s apparent over-ego. The only difference being that they actually complimented the artwork.

Update on the anon issue: Chances are extremely slim, but the complaint style is extremely similar to the above anon:

J.R.T.'s OWOT Group

J.R.T. has made a wide variety of friends and acquaintances over the time he's been on OWoT.

His common associates include retardgooner, iac1, and a few others.

J.R.T.'s Achievements

J.R.T. has done a variety of large-scale things on OWoT.

  • Speed of Light City on /main
  • Started Our World Of Text: Story Mode (OWoTSM; WIP)
  • Increased the size of Spam City from 126 buildings to 700
  • the Almighty Balls Chain 2.0 at /ballschain2

Note: I (J.R.T.) haven't made a wiki article in a couple of years, so correct/enhance anything you need to. And yes, plot twist, this was written by J.R.T.
-J.R.T. 11/27/24 10:44 AM CST