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My name is Abraham Lincoln Logs. You may know me for a few things

  1. I signed the Constipation Proclamation in 1642 (yes, I am still alive and well) giving citizens of The United States of E the right to constipation medicine and treatment
  2. I invented Lincoln Logs Logs in 1728 until Abraham Lincoln stole my idea
  3. I was 8 1/2 president of The United States of E
  4. I am also E Cult Leader
  5. I am friends with Totallywholesomedude2121, RaccoonCultLeader and Algythewolf in real life and online
  6. I like saggy soda original, saggy soda lime flavor, saggy soda cola, saggy soda citrus, saggy soda cream soda, diet saggy soda, saggy soda fruit punch, saggy soda tropical and diet saggy soda almond milk
  7. I am sadly, rarely on anymore as OWOT has not been working for me, but I try to get on anyway
  8. E
  9. E
  10. E