Area protection
When an area is protected, edits to that area are prevented from users who don't meet the minimum membership or ownership requirements of a world.
Protection types
Only the owner of a world can write on an owner-protected area or make areas owner-protected. Superusers of OWOT can both write and create owner-only areas on the main page and the /main world.
Only a member or the owner of a world can write on a member-protected area. The world's owner has free reign to write on and create member-protected areas, while members must need a special permission to member-protect areas. Superusers of OWOT can both write and create member-only areas on the main page and the /main world.
A public area can be written on by anyone, regardless of ownership or membership. However, a rate limit of zero characters per second can be applied to a world, preventing anyone but the owner or any member from writing on any region including public areas.
Default area protection
The "Default area protection" option in the menu will reset the protection of a region to the default value. In most cases, this could mean making a region publicly editable, if a world is set to allow anyone to write on it. If a world is set to be written on by members or the owner, then the default area value would be that of Member or Owner.
World writability
The below image is best viewed with a monitor with good color contrast.

Notice that "Owner area", "Member area", and "Public area" all remain the same. The "Default area" regions depend on the "Who can write on it?" setting.
If your monitor lacks decent contrast, below is an equivalent table containing the area information.
Who can write on it? | Owner area | Member area | Public area | Default area |
anyone | Owner | Member | Public | Public |
me and members | Owner | Member | Public | Member |
only me | Owner | Member | Public | Owner |
Protection values
Type | Value |
Owner | 2 |
Member | 1 |
Public | 0 |
Default | null |