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/boringletterwork is a world created by Account-1052 featuring Javascript games.

The world was inspired by coolmathgames (and used a image of coolmathgames as reference)

The world at default zoom


It was created on May 19, 2024. It became the 154th WOTD on June 3, 2024.


The world has many sections, including one listing the games.


This section is incomplete, please fill in missing information.

Game Creators Description
EaglerCraft Alpha lax1dude & other people Minecraft, when things were more simple.
Q1K phoboslab Quake, but its 13kb, also it runs good on a potato.
Quake id software Quake but inside the browser, Also runs great on a potato.
13 Eliasku A topdown gorey multiplayer game made in 13kb with emojis and webgl
The Power Toy many people Pour down random particles and watch their reaction!
M4K (WebGL) FP Notch's javascript port of m4k extended with multiplayer and more
M8K (raycaster) yagton | A client made for m4k which improves it with more features.
Keep out! Little Workshop Each playthrough is unique