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cmd is a feature of OWOT that allows scripts to exchange string messages.

Using cmd in scripts

Receiving cmd messages:

// Start receiving cmd messages

// cmd message event
w.on("cmd", e =>
    Process the message here.

    kind                = always "cmd"
    data                = the actual text of the cmd message
    sender              = the sender's channel id
    source              = always "cmd"
    username (optional) = the sender's username
    id (optional)       = the sender's Uvias ID

Sending cmd messages:

// send a message with the text "hi" without the username and Uvias ID
w.broadcastCommand("hi", false);

// send a message with the text "hi" with the username and Uvias ID
w.broadcastCommand("hi", true);

// are the same as above
network.cmd("hi", false);

network.cmd("hi", true);

com: and comu: links

cmd messages can also be sent with special links. This allows for interactive scripts.
For example:

  • The link com:hi will send a "hi" cmd message without the username and Uvias ID.
  • The link comu:hi will send a "hi" cmd message with the username and Uvias ID.


cmd has some limitations:

  • You can send only 192 cmd messages per second[1]
  • The text of a cmd message can't be longer than 2048[2]
  • cmd can only transmit strings, data of other types has to be serialized into a string[2]
