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The front page in 2023
Pika City at X: 0, Y: 92, founded on January 3rd, 2020
Teleportation Subway at X: 111, Y: 888, founded on June 4th, 2018
The WOTD ratings at X: 3600, Y: 4500, established on January 8, 2023, succeeding the WOTD poll

/, commonly known as the front page, is the world shown when accessing OWoT's root directory—i.e., at the URL https://ourworldoftext.com/. It was created at 9:24 AM on October 8th, 2017, and has over 8.7 million views as of February 18, 2025.

Square of Publicity

At the center of the / world (i.e., X: 0, Y: 0) is the Square of Publicity (SoP), also known as the Center Console. It is a section two tiles wide and two tiles tall with a space to type in the center, with the rest being member-protected. The member-protected section hosts various links and scripts, as well as the WOTD. Upon page load, users on / are greeted with the Square of Publicity, making it a common spam target.

Worlds such as /center_console and /center_console_history have been created to document and archive the history of the Square of Publicity.


At X: 3600, Y: 4500 is the Ratings poll. Also linked via the Square of Publicity, it hosts a selection of worlds users can like or dislike. The world with the highest like-to-dislike ratio may be nominated as WOTD, however, some users have raised concerns alleging that some worlds on the poll may be rigged or automated for or against their rating.

Frontpage Status

At X: 1010, Y: 1010, users can see how many total connections are currently active, as well as the page's total view count.


Some other things seen on / may include:


/ is commonly subjected to various spam attacks, whether big or small, in various forms.

Image pastes

Finding images being pasted near spawn is somewhat common to see. A wide variety of images are pasted, including logos, stock images, and face reveals. Very rarely, pornographic images may be pasted, which has led to text colors being temporarily turned off for all users near spawn several times and colors being disabled on TOR nodes indefinitely.

Spawn pub

Usually below the Square of Publicity, the "spawn pub" (sometimes replaced with VYN bar) may be found. However, there is no official interior.


Occasionally, stickmen doing various activities such as talking or interacting with each other may also be seen. These stickmen also often accompany ASCII artworks such as vehicles or buildings. Sometimes, people use the stickmen for roleplay, such as the Combined Military Brigade, VYN, Baumer, lime.owot, and nonaem's stickmen interacting with each other.


lime.radio was a script that communicated with its clients via cmd commands located around ten tiles from the Square of Publicity. Users could "tune into" the "radio" by executing the JavaScript code linked on canvas in their browser in an OWoT tab connected to the same world as the radio.


Sometimes, near the Square of Publicity, crawler scripts, scripts that crawl a list of URLs, may be found. The most well-known example is found around X: 3 Y: 3, created by yiff_plus, remaining still active for the most extensive time of all previous scripts like it. It crawls various links across the internet, sorting crawled links by domain name.

Progress bars

Similar to crawlers, 'progress' bars may also be found at /. One notable example is a progress bar script by JustAnOWOTUser visualizing the time elapsed until the week and month ends. It was once found below the Square of Publicity, but after measures were taken to deter this, it moved nearby the crawler.


Around early 2024, above or below the Square of Publicity were 'counter' scripts, usually run by Fernozzle, hosted a linearly or logarithmically increasing number of an arbitrary unit or scale. The most common of these were "(user) has baked (number) of cupcakes" or "(user) has typed (number) times". Counters usually have a bad reputation due to being considered 'eyesores' or being annoyances to other users.