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Revision as of 17:25, 20 August 2024 by 7799 (talk | contribs) (This is the truth, I can give you proof on Discord)
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Polonez is a 12 year old user of Our World of Text known most for having the second most alternate accounts out of almost anyone on the platform and creating popular worlds and art.




  • .PinkiePie
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • BaiatArbore
  • Dhanushkodi
  • ExplodeBot
  • George.W.Bush
  • Guest1052
  • LNAT
  • MHZTwo
  • PinkiePie.
  • PolonezTemp
  • SlotBot
  • UnicodeIXIXIXI
  • UnicodeIXIXIXInew
  • Villages_Holder
  • WhatTheFuckAmIDoingWithMyLife
  • Youssef
  • avbb
  • canvaspammer
  • china
  • dawgdawgdawg
  • dawgvideo
  • gdfhsfgjsjggdfhsfgjsjggdfhsfgj
  • ggjsfgkjsdaf
  • hmmmm
  • jam
  • kenichi
  • lime.pig
  • mafakamafaka
  • nutmaster69420
  • randomlad
  • rihhhhhh
  • serdar
  • thinker
  • throwaway14
  • xijinping
  • xoi
  • zxcvbnmzxcvbnm






List of accounts by login name


He changed his name to dawgdawgdawg and made himself look like a different person, Guest-1052 noticed he was suspiciusly acting like UnicodeIXIXIXI also he was from Poland, But dawgdawgdawg denied it, After that he revealed that he actually was UnicodeIXIXIXI.

dawgdawgdawg (also known as dawg or dawg³) is an OWOT user known for making OWOT Teletext

One of his most famous worlds is /owot_teletext, which is a "teletext" about OWOT.

whatever shit he made

  • on roblox he made a build full of ads(also includes something that BREAKS THE ROAD BLOCKS TOSS1!1111
  • he made shit not just like owot teletext, but also a world "filled" with billboards this
  • recently he has been working on his roblox game with btools(ITS PENIS TIME BOYS!!!!!)

this article doesnt describe much because idk


.PinkiePie is a one-time throwaway account used to troll PinkiePie with an extremely similar username. It is currently rarely used by Polonez.

2023 & 2024

2023 & 2024 are accounts with names picked to be notable.


Dhanushkodi is an account that tried to mimic someone from the abandoned indian village of Dhanushkodi.


This is an account that Polonez owned for his bomb script bot.


During the 4th of July in 2023, many users created accounts like "GeorgeWashington" and "BillClinton", so Polonez decided to create "George.W.Bush".