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Unauthorized personnel are not permitted to fuck around with this article. You all need to leave this page alone. AOP-1044 is a SERIOUS threat to the continued sanity of OWOT and it's important we make sure people know how to contain this thing. Oh, and Maria couldn't do her job right, couldn't even defend this article from d9, so Nora got hired.

— Nora Proctor, Anti-Ziggy Coalition

Phenomena #: AOP-1044

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Transmissions from AOP-1044 in chat are to be logged, suppressed, and analyzed by a team of four child psychologists memetically inoculated against all known cognitohazards embedded in AOP-1044 transmissions. Random words generated by Ziggy are to be logged and checked against 15 different dictionaries to determine the object's language abilities.

Mental health services are to be offered to persons who have been exposed to AOP-1044 transmissions for a period longer than 1 week. Those exposed for months are to be placed on suicide watch due to extreme mental effects.

Efforts are to be undertaken to attain physical access to AOP-1044. AOP-1044 is not to be inserted into any walkers to prevent the excessive production of clear liquid from its lacrimal glands.

High-speed direct message transmission has been authorized as a countermeasure against AOP-1044 activity in chat. The ZIGGY-FUCK-OFF computer system is to use fifteen different proxies to send 30 messages per second until AOP-1044's internet connection is severed or AOP-1044's Mommy severs it herself. Messages should contain keywords likely to trigger a shock response in its Mommy, such as racial slurs against Jewish people, support of 1940s German organizations, slurs for Black people, and links to 18 different sites containing both heterosexual and homosexual pornographic material rated by at least six agencies globally as appropriate for adults over 21 Earth years old.

Description: AOP-1044 is an anatomically correct humanoid object, also known as "Ziggy","ultraleland7", or "ultraleland7Ziggy". It was created in 2015 by AOP-1044-1 and AOP-1044-2, a male and female figure respectively, making AOP-1044 nine years old. AOP-1044 will often send a variety of messages within chat at high frequencies for extended periods of time, with the intent to cause annoyance amongst people.

Persons exposed to AOP-1044 transmissions will experience a variety of deleterious mental health effects, ranging from mere annoyance, severe psychosis, and for persons with more than 1 month of continued exposure, suicidal tendencies due to lack of willingness to mitigate AOP-1044.

Artists' depiction of AOP-1044's biological computer

AOP-1044's physical head contains a biological computer that superficially resembles the human brain. However, based on AOP-1044 behavior as observed by Lemurian containment personnel, it is likely that AOP-1044's brain:

  • Has a lower density of brain cells compared to normal adult humans.
  • Is lissencephalic, meaning it is devoid of any gyri (brain folds).
  • Has patterns consistent with the low-functioning end of autism spectrum disorder.

Addendum 1044-048: Nature of AOP-1044 Transmissions

AOP-1044 transmissions range from:

  • The Hebrew-language phrase "שבת שלום".
  • Arrangements of Latin script letters with no clear meaning.

Addendum 1044-087: Proposal for termination of AOP-1044.

Proposals to terminate AOP-1044 through lethal force are pending approval.