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Revision as of 16:06, 23 November 2023 by Guest-1052 (talk | contribs)
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who am i?

hi, i am another owot user with good reputation within the community, i am your not so generic 12 year old who had an actual childhood(yes trust me). i have gotten quite famous for my english skills(no relatives realized i'm not speaking native english because of my rolled r's instead of hard r's. my shoe size is 35(EU). i use windows 7 and im so happy to see it has no spyware or telemetries at all. on a fresh install it checks for updates and shit and thats it. my height is 141cm which that is quite tall.

my friends

they are: sl1029, 123, numbers, tap20, poopman, fp, elon, and many others.

what else?

where did i come from? i came here from owop. and from owop i came from drawaria. and from drawaria i came from crazygames. thats where this ends. i discovered about 10-20 new sites with owot and here are how my main ones went from time to time: crazygames, drawaria, owop, owot, ih, ywot, trollbox, sleepycat... and sleepycat is the one who inspired me to plan to make my site. what interests do i have? not a lot but, black midi and the funny 30 dollar website where you can make goofy ahh songs and dont forget colon is aware of the particle accelerator shits and i made mine too heres the link the rizzccelerator(if it doesnt function add .🗿 to the end of the filename 30 dollar website will look for that shit) click it and import it to 30 dollar website i hope it functions ok my craptop cant take it and i need someone to play this here is some of my owot images:

owot sop from march 2021
random owot image
large render of owot spawn circa 2023-06-19
large render of owot spawn circa 2023-06-26
large render of owot spawn circa 2023-10-11
big render of israelsweeper image circa 2023-1021

images are free to use i dont care if you steal them from me i dont give a flying fuck about it

even more dogshit!!! so i also listen to chiptune music and shit, and idk uhh
fuck bryndan-meyerholt, he cant even handle something simple like having his initials swapped, this dude is literally 23 and i feel like he has severe autism which was like 57275830297x worse than my 2021 autism, fuck people like him

if you want to leave a message for me use the discussion tab that shit literally exists

where did my friends go

sl changed his alias to kat0469, 123 isnt active anymore, numbers moved on to sleepycat, tap still active, poopman still active, fp still active, elon thinks owot was backdoored and not active anywhere anymore(it's unknown what happened to him, maybe he fell in a coma or his parents grounded him he could be even be dead at this point, thank god he's back his internet wasnt autopaid because her moms credit card expired she had to get a new one and pay it manually)

events i will witness in my life within the future

november 30th - blood test[i dont feel so good (BAD NEWS BEARS •.•) ]
november 30th - eeg(i cant adapt to the environment i have to be in coz i dont normally sleep the way i have to do there but alr)
november 30th - i will give piss to some lab for no reason and they may or may not drink it(i feel like i would be embarassed and utterly disgusted to do this)
december 2nd - 5th - the final stage of suffering
december 5th - FINALLY, i wont suffer anymore