
From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 18:09, 26 September 2023 by Dat Hack3r (talk | contribs)
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Example owot world

A World, sometimes called a server, is a claimble url of, Like for example
To claim a world you need to make a account(NOT A GUEST ACCOUNT).

World Settings

World settings

World owners can change world settings, This includes things like ratelimits, Themes, Colors, Bg colors, Member a user, etc.
However Admins get extra world settings, These world settings are changing the background of the world.

Advanced world settings

The advanced settings menu for a world (namely /notthatguy)

If you click Advanced under Miscellaneous, you will be able to change advanced settings such as cell dimensions, write intervals, rate limits, meta descriptions, private notes, NSFW status for a world (barely used), logging edits, disabling global chat, limiting copying and a membership key.

World claiming and Shown worlds

Claim and claimed worlds

If you have a account and go to you can see a list of your claimed worlds, Also a box which allows you to claim a world.



Worlds can be requested at, Then they get added to the poll and can become a WOTD.