From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 22:11, 23 August 2023 by 7799 (talk | contribs) (its already too late to do anything, my career is ruined, i will turn back around and go to the sites i used to play on.you did this,fake 7799.you turned everyone against me. i hate you. you ruined all the things i had. i took a mental health break,but you destroyed my reputation in the while. i want you to stop.)
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“I pay My Respects, This Is…Not a Happy Day.”

This user has left OWOT forever.

i am tired of existing, purge the past

He used to be based. Then he got into a cringe era, started being snarky and using cringe jokes and roasts. Switched names a couple of times. He is Canadian. He left OWOT around mid-2023. EDIT:7799 DIDN'T ACTUALLY COME BACK, IT WAS A FAKE. ALSO,HE IS POLISH ACCORDING TO ANDREIXYZ.