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Ramon (born March 30, 2007) is an American OWOT user. All he wants is basic respect and he wants to be treated like a human being.

Early life

Ramon was born on March 30, 2007, in Santa Ana, California, to a Mexican father and a Jewish mother. Later in life, he ended up moving to the city of Lodi, CA. He has 7 siblings, including two older ones and 5 younger ones.

Contributions to OWOT

Ramon joined OWOT in 2021, but under a different username. In early 2022, he created the "Ramon" account. Over the two years, Ramon slowly learned how to have proper conversations with users, and he also learned how to control his anger.


  • August 2021: My first account was created. At this point in time, I was negatively viewed because I did not contribute to the site.
  • January 2022: I revealed that my name is Ramon.
  • April 2023: I quit OWOT for two months after a panic attack. I later returned and became a happier person.
    a photo of Ramon in his natural habitat

Relationship with d9eoead

d9eoead has grown to hate Ramon and often makes fun of him. One day, there was an impersonator on OWOT and Ramon, out of sarcasm, thought that the impersonator was real, whilst d9eoead kept and said that there were "no lies on the internet". Upon hearing this, d9eoead immediately harassed him, using Ramon's phrase "no lies on the internet" as an excuse to accuse Ramon of extremely brutal and murderous actions, such as slicing open kittens and raping the gorehole. Other users joined in, but they did not accuse Ramon of actions nearly as brutally as d9eoead was. d9eoead still uses this insult from time to time specifically for Ramon. Ramon tried getting back at d9eoead in early to mid 2023 by saying that he wanted to marry d9 and that d9 was pregnant with his baby in an act of feminizing d9. d9eoead denied these claims repeatedly, saying that he was never going to marry him and he wasn't gay, and neither was he pregnant. Other users also joined in, also asking d9 "how the baby was doing". In an act of sarcasm and trying to end the situation, d9eoead said that he ate babies and that he absorbed the baby he was pregnant with. After using /blockuser to stop Ramon, he kept teasing Ramon and calling him names while he was still blocked by d9. Ramon then started creating multiple accounts to bypass the blocks and started teasing d9 back. d9 finally had enough and told Ramon to stop insulting him and saying that d9 was pregnant. Ramon and d9 stopped insulting each other temporarily after this incident. Ramon no longer calls d9 pregnant, but d9 and Ramon still insult each other from time to time, with d9 being on the offensive side and Ramon being on the defensive side.