Terminal OWOT disease

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Terminal OWOT disease is a neurological illness that results in users becoming incredibly addicted OWOT. Symptoms include spamming, bullying, and being intentionally unhelpful to other users.


Terminal OWOT disease is caused when you are exposed to OWOT at a young age. The youth who use OWOT seem to not care about the damage they do, and they don't seem to have any remorse no matter how severe the damage is. Most of the OWOT children tend to be very selfish and do not think about other users.

Examples of how people with this disease communicate.

  • "This user is a loser."
  • "This user is a dumbass."
  • "You can't ratelimit me or you're literally a tyrant."
  • "If you defend someone I don't like, then you're a bootlicker."
  • "I'm telling my mom that you said something mean about me."
  • "This user is saying I don't like so they should be permabanned."
  • "This user clearly doesn't know that I'M more important than him."
  • "DM spamming this guy will convince him that what he is doing is wrong."
  • "How dare you point out a simple mistake I made! I will now doxx your address."
  • "This user contributes nothing to this site. Only I'm allowed to not contribute anything."
  • "I know! I'm gonna do the most evil and awful thing I can think of because I'm an asshole!"
  • "That's not okay. I will handle this like an adult and say a bunch of racial slurs towards you."
  • "Oh look, you made a typo. I'm sorry but I'm naturally more intelligent than you. I never make typos."
  • "Oh no! It appears I've been banned from chat. Maybe if I spam in spawn, it will convince them to unban me."
  • "That's it. I can't believe you disagree with me. This means you are a disgusting person and nobody loves you."
  • "Why the hell can't I spam obscene images in spawn? This is fascism and you are literally Hitler for erasing my pictures."
  • "Oh that's interesting. You share the same opinion as a spammer or a troll. That means YOU are a spammer and a troll too."
  • "I've spent over 5 years learning how to script and I'm gonna use my knowledge to do something assholish to the community."
  • "Why does nobody understand my point of view? Maybe if I spam it in chat and spawn 5000 times then people will agree with what I'm saying."
  • "I can develop a script that people can use for their own good but instead I'm gonna develop a script to make life miserable for every user on the site."
  • "Stop it. You can't make ASCII art. That's a sin. I'm a member of the anti-art coalition and truthfully, this offends me. Therefore, I'm going to erase it even though it's not mine."


Ask them to step away from their keyboard. That's the only humane treatment for it.