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Revision as of 13:41, 19 April 2023 by (talk)
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Check the discussions. This motherfucker has a disorder and I’m not joking. He has psychosis or brain damage or something and it is showing in the way he acts, talks, his creations, what he does, and what he believes.

Either that or his parents are shitty at parenting and education, and Spacecake has spent far too much time on the internet. He is by far the most mentally affected person I have ever seen on this platform so far. I hope he gets help soon. I don’t know whether or not this kid is redeemable. He could be too far gone.

Him and his little "friends" keep erasing/replacing this.

He is disturbingly persistent and cannot be convinced about literally anything. I am worried about his wellbeing, and his mental state. This kiddo is either having an extremely bad start at life due to his parents and the internet, or he's going to be a psychopath school shooter. If you are his mother reading this, please go get the belt and whoop his fucking ass. He'll really need it. Don't believe me? Check the discussion board and

He does not know how pollination works. He thinks PTSD is a carnivorous apex predator entity that eats mind creatures or something. He needs mental help immediately. He has a "fanmade cat" called Adelaide. He thinks that Adelaide can fucking escape the fictional realm and that he will swallow me whole in my sleep or some shit. He believes "anti-fictional-escapism" is a real thing. I don't fucking know anymore. He is deranged and insane.


















