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happyworld392 is a user of Our World Of Text and is a member of the main world. She was despised by 8811 for "rules" and helped RoadGuy build the Quadrant 1 Road Network. She is the creator of the old fandom Wiki, and has over 140 worlds.


happyworld392 started out randomly encountering the website in 2018. She founded Natamuyoshiyo (it has since been griefed) then disappeared. She came back in February 2019, and tried to revive the Opubridge, formerly a YWOT city. She made many other things, most notably The Map Of Our World Of Text and The Reverse Teleportation Subway (now called Happyworld's Teleportation Subway). She also made friends with the local users.

On March 16, 2019, she got promoted to member of the main world. She started Happyworld's Kingdom, which would grow into a massive complex over the years. Her world Anima was featured at Spawn. at the time, she was putting ™ (trademark symbols) around the map as some sort of a joke, but it died off.

Her world Inverted was voted in at Spawn until another world of hers, PTable was voted in. Around the same time, her friendship group started to drift, as she invested more time into Countrysim. However, she still maintained the North Road and Opubridge Line until sometime in 2020. She didn't do much in OWOT in a lot of 2020, except for maintain roads and make random stuff.

One of her bigger projects, however, was the quiz on /tchf. She also interacted a lot with OUTCAST, whose presence indirectly led to the creation of Happyworld Beats as listening to OUTCAST's The Grand Chime gave her knowledge of Beepbox. She also participated in /stickwar, /symbolwar and /roomsofowot.

In early 2021, she participated in the Lurker Revolution, assisting the MHZers in their fight against spammer main page members such as Vixie (an infamous spammer, she pasted the Lucario Burgers all over the site) and cv (a part of AndreiXYZ's clique, which has since waned in power but still exists)

She also added more songs to Happyworld Beats, of which from "Glockenspiel of Magnificence" to "Stone Home", along with "Megalovania Retro Style", she now perceives as the older era of songs. Then, she didn't do much on OWOT, due to a decline in quality from the TextWall and Trollbox invasions.

She didn't do much in late 2021 either, other than hang out sometimes and participate in stuff on OWOTD. She then made a decent comeback near the end of 2021, and also merged the "mysticwonder48" identity (created because of a persecution complex after a fallout with her friend in Countrysim) with her old happyworld392 identity.

This also revealed the 7 songs ("Don't Stop the Rave" to "Triple Meter Experiment" and "t r e e", publicly shown on an alternate YouTube channel, with the links hidden in /happyworld (it was private), "abcd", which was in a random member block on Happyworld Beats, and "flowig nigts", which was posted on Twitter as a Beepbox link) instantly to Happyworld Beats, and she has since inconsistently but faster than before made many songs. She then visited many older worlds, most notably /stickwar and /symbolwar, (both of which gained attention from the other participants and massively grew).

She eventually forgot as stuff died down a little. She mostly hung out with the users, giving up on the massive spammer problem. She came out as transgender in early May of 2022. She received much backlash for this, as many of the users on the site are bigoted. She also made a sequel to her quiz on /tchf near this time.

She continues to post stuff on her worlds, but avoids the dumpster fire that is main and doesn't see much fun in OWOT anymore. One of her worlds, /happyworldbeats, has grown to be a very big world which stores massive amounts of music.