
From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 10:03, 22 January 2023 by Cv (talk | contribs) (WIP, saved as a way of backuping. do not vandalize.)
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"This page was written by a community member rather than a knowledged editor. You can help by modifying it to make it less biased and self-targeted."

In OWOT community, cv [English: / sɪ vɪ] is a male 13 year old user from Ukraine, formerly known as CutieVova[1].

He is notable for making worlds with lots of ASCII art by using non-physical keyboard input for a higher variety of Unicode characters to work with.


World Name[2] Description[3] Views[4]
/scripts_copypasta[5] An abandoned library of safe scripts. 5365
/owottale 1558
/cv 1166


Official world -

Youtube channel -

Twitter profile -

  1. This username was changed due to self-favouritism and unoriginality. It was replaced with a shortened version to change the meaning of it for good.

    "don't call me that btw" ― /cutievova

  2. World Name is a name that can be claimed at any time on your profile page when you're logged into your Uvias account. After that you'll gain ownership of that world and it'll be visitable at[Name], unless you restrict permissions for doing so.
  3. Not to be confused with Meta Description.This is a short quotation about the world's contents by the creator.
  4. Every single time a user opens the page of a world, it counts towards this parameter. It is visible on your worlds list and tabular at all times. This list doesn't include reclaimed and botted worlds, as well as the ones with low impressions (500 views and less).
  5. The world was moved to /scripts_copypasta/main due to directory issues.