The chess pieces

From Our World of Text Wiki

The Chess pieces conflict

Chess pieces made by the script

February ?? 2023 - 3 days later

An anonymous user created a script,which is ran when you visit

It created a lot of WebSockets and then it started spamming random SLC2 chess pieces and also spamming the owot-countdown link.

The script was never archived, but it was obfuscated.

The conflict ended 3 days later.

After he disabled the websockets on the owot-countdown website, he probably stated it was an experiment (i dont know).

Some chess pieces and links to the website still exist.

The anon who made it wasn't trying to cause harm, and he revealed that it was an experiment / proof of concept on June 29.

It hurt and nearly was deadly for the server though.

A script which wipes chess pieces was made by KKosty4ka.

The replicator itself

The script was made by an anon.

The script was on
it was made as a proof of concept.
The script thankfully wasn't archived(False,I and certain users still have it).