
From Our World of Text Wiki
-> /block <id> :: mute someone by id
-> /blockuser <username> :: mute someone by username
-> /chatcolor <color code> :: change your chat color
-> /color <color code> :: change your text color
-> /day  :: disable night mode
-> /gridsize <WxH> :: change the size of cells
-> /help  :: list all commands
-> /nick <nickname> :: change your nickname
-> /night  :: enable night mode
-> /ping  :: check the latency
-> /tell <id, message> :: tell someone a secret message
-> /test  :: preview your appearance
-> /unblock <id> :: unblock someone by id
-> /unblockall  :: unblock all users
-> /unblockuser <username> :: unblock someone by username
-> /warp <world> :: go to another world
-> /whoami  :: display your identity

copy of the /help command because im lazy