Our World of Text:Sandbox

From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 10:14, 13 November 2024 by Dat Hack3r (talk | contribs) (:P)

local p = {}

-- Function to calculate the week number based on a given date function p.getPreviousWeekNumber(frame)

   -- Define the start date of Week 1
   local week1Start = os.time{year=2024, month=9, day=8}
   -- Convert the current date to time format
   local currentDateTime = os.time{year=currentDate.year, month=currentDate.month, day=currentDate.day}
   -- Calculate the difference in days from the start of Week 1
   local daysDifference = os.difftime(currentDateTime, week1Start) / (24 * 60 * 60)
   -- Calculate the week number (rounding down to get integer weeks)
   local currentWeek = math.floor(daysDifference / 7) + 1
   -- Calculate the previous week number
   local previousWeek = math.max(currentWeek - 1, 1)  -- Ensure it doesn't go below 1
   return 'Weekly Briefing Release'..previousWeek


return p