Textwaller migration

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The textwaller migration is a userbase migration from Textwall to OWOT. It happened due to Textwall shutting down, and the userbase migrated to OWOT because it was the best website they could find. When Textwall was booted back up, the majority of textwallers chose to stay on OWOT due to it being the superior website with better features than Textwall. Textwallers soon found themselves being assaulted by the OWOT userbase, due to many unlikable characteristics. The major ones being:

Fictional googology

Generally retarded behavior

Being children

Being script kiddies



But unfortunately, only a few of the textwallers ever went back to Textwall, mainly because they are stupidly stubborn and absolutely refuse to leave despite all the insults. Even if some do leave for a while, they will come back (one example being Account-1192, who came back with multiple alts).