Fictional googology

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Revision as of 14:27, 27 June 2024 by HiyaHiya (talk | contribs)

Fictional googology (FG) is the act of naming or coming up with fictional numbers (e.g. "Airfinity", "30 Bigillion", "Tameuina Tasiaon"). It is near-universally stigmatized by OWOT's userbase, but is common and widely accepted on TextWall. People who engage in fictional googology are called fictional googologists (FGers).

Fictional googology is generally supposed to be an offshoot of standard/real googology (the mathematical study of large numbers), but it strays so far from actual mathematics that it fits more into the category of "art projects" than actual math. It's only real use is typically entertainment for children.

Some users who are participating in fictional googology:

Fictional googologists who are most likely trolls:

Opposition to FG

The users Pippin and lime.owot have been one of the most vocal critics of fictional googology. Pippin has been a significant opponent of the spread of fictional googology across OWOT.

Other notable critics of fictional googology are:


/fuck_fg_federation (abbreviated as FFF) was started on OWOT. It was a threat (to their innocence) because of insensitive gory content.

/hpfafg (harmless poking fun at fictional googology) was made as a replacement. So far, it has not been taken down, griefed, or spammed. It is not meant to be a threat to fictional googologists, though its owner and members still criticise fictional googologists. But even so, fictional googologists with terminal OWOT disease still attempt to attack this wall. The only one recorded or notable so far is Europe2048.

/fgworld, pretending to be "a safe space for all fictional googologists."

Fictional googologists were also threats to themselves, since they were also tearing themselves apart in the NO! Discord server. Many staff members left on July and August 2023, including:

  • Lil (whom has now disconnected himself from all FG, except Mathis RV because he looks up to him)
  • An
  • LightXD

The majority of fictional googologists inside the server predicted that FG will die in 3~9 months, though some believe it never will.

Through late September and October, the health of the server has been decreasing dramatically, as over half of the past 2 weeks have had less than 1000 messages per day in #general. Recently, jwklong has been permanently banned for trolling and not apologising for 4 months, and WTIF was unbanned due to "drama ending". After this, things seemed to improve, with more than 1500 daily messages in #general at times, but it isn't looking good for them in 2024, as fictional googology seems to be dying again...

In January 2024, Jesse Kohn plotted to leave fictional googology, with a video explaining the state of fictional googology and its uncreative and boring videos, excluding Mathis R.V., which was the entire reason why Jesse Kohn is now largely disinterested in fictional googology. Fellow fictional googologists have commented saying that the video is relatable, and that his leaving is largely justified. A particular reason why this is important is because this highlights how Freddie Fazbear's series, the only regularly uploading fictional googology series at the time, has long gotten boring, with the same "counting section" and "cycle" style across many videos, even seasons. Therefore, fictional googology does not seem to have a good future as of now, despite how it seemed after jwklong's ban.