
From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 10:21, 3 March 2024 by Owot (talk | contribs)

Spam is unwanted repetitive content intended to render a medium of communication useless for a period of time, or to cause annoyance to users.

Chat Spam

Rigged Poll

"Rigged Poll" is in reference to the World of the Day Poll, which was known for its lack of security and its tendency to have illegitimate votes favor one particular World of the Day candidate. Prior to the events leading to the poll's replacement with an automated ratings system, it was very easy for a single user or a small group of individuals to launch a Sybil attack on the poll by placing an "x" character next to the world name over the course of a few days. It was one of the duties of a front page member to protect each vote that gets added to the poll, as long as it's not obvious that somebody is trying to rig the votes. A frequent occurrence was also the removal of legitimate votes from the poll by users who did not originally vote for that world. This eventually leads to unpopular worlds receiving the World of the Day status. For most of the poll's history, the front page members did not regard the votes on the poll, hence the meaning of Rigged Poll.

The W Chat Spam

Spammers use these to clear the chat since it's a long character and can sometimes be more annoying if they spam each time with a different ID.

Canvas spam

There are multiple types of spam on the canvas, most of which are usually done with scripts. Most of them are done away from the X and Y axes far from spawn.

Road spam

Multiple different colored roads have been pasted on the canvas that appear to lead to nowhere in particular. They usually wind around and go over each other.

Chess piece spam

See also: The chess pieces
In February 2023, an anonymous user created a script on that would open a WebSocket and spam chess pieces. A link to the site was also spammed. 3 days later, the WebSockets were removed, ending the conflict. Many chess pieces still exist, but KKosty4ka created a script to remove them.

Road spam
Chess spam
Replicator spam
Replicator spam (links only)
Anime face spam
CJK tile spam (very sparse)
Dense Unicode cluster spam
Sparse Unicode spam
Miscellaneous script experimentation
Image spam
Firework spam by a anon called ourworldoftest

Known spammers

Known spammers include Rigged Poll, Starianna, etc.