A World sometimes called a server is a claimble url of, Like for example
To claim a world you need to make a account(NOT A GUEST ACCOUNT).
World Settings
World owners can change world settings, This includes things like ratelimits, Themes, Colors, Bg colors, Member a user, etc.
However Admins get extra world settings, These world settings are changing the background of the world.
Advanced world settings
If you click Advanced under Miscellaneous, you will be able to change advanced settings such as cell dimensions, write intervals, rate limits, meta descriptions, private notes, NSFW status for a world (barely used), logging edits, disabling global chat, limiting copying and a membership key.
World claiming and Shown worlds
If you have a account and go to you can see a list of your claimed worlds, Also a box which allows you to claim a world.
Worlds can be requested at, Then they get added to the poll and can become a WOTD.