
From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 08:29, 30 August 2023 by Poopman (talk | contribs)

Our World Of Text

Code Documentation




Name Description Example Usage Code In Use
YourWorld An object containing the users current text color, cell background color, and chat nick name.
//Sets the users color to a random one.
YourWorld.Color = Math.round((Math.random()*16777215));
var YourWorld = {
	Color: window.localStorage ? +localStorage.getItem("color") : 0,
	BgColor: -1,
	Nickname: state.userModel.username
owot The DOM canvas element
//Hides the owot canvas. = 0;
owot = document.getElementById("owot");
owotCtx The CanvasRenderingContext2D of the owot canvas
//Clears all the rendered tiles from the view.
owotCtx.clearRect(0, 0, owotWidth, owotHeight);
owotCtx = owot.getContext("2d");
textInput The DOM textarea element used for writing to the owot canvas.
//Paste "hello world" at the current cursor position.
textInput.value = `hello world`;
textInput = document.getElementById("textInput");
linkElm The DOM link element used for user link clicks.
//logs to the console whether or not the link is a javascript link.
console.log(linkParams.protocol === `javascript`);                   
linkElm = elm.link_element;
link_div The DOM link div element used to scale the linkElm to the same size as a cell within the owot canvas.
//Highlights the URL being hovered over. = `rgba(255,255,0,0.5)`
linkDiv = elm.link_div;
colorInput, colorInputBg The DOM color inputs to select text and cell background color.
//Generate a random color on the text color input field.
const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
	colorInputBg = modal.addEntry("Cell color", "color").input;
	colorInput = modal.addEntry("Text color", "color").input;
colorShortcuts, colorShortcutsBg A DOM div container used as a color pallet for quick access.
//Randomize all color palette colors.
const colorButtons = colorShortcuts.querySelectorAll('.color_btn');
  colorButtons.forEach(button => {
    if (button.title !== 'Random color') {
     const randomColor = `#${Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`; = randomColor;
      button.title = randomColor;
	for(var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
		var color = colors[i];
enums An unused object created to store position and write edits.
//Use enums.position as a template for creating an updatedPosition object
const newCoord = [7, 5, 3, 1];
const updatedPosition = { ...enums.position };
for (const key in updatedPosition) {
  if (updatedPosition.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    const positionIndex = updatedPosition[key];
    updatedPosition[key] = newCoord[positionIndex];
enums.edit = makeEnum(["tileY", "tileX", "charY", "charX", "time", "char", "id", "color"]);
enums.position = makeEnum(["tileX", "tileY", "charX", "charY"]);
ws_path Stores the pages' websocket path.
//Change the socket, refreshing the client ID
w.changeSocket(ws_path, true);
var ws_path = createWsPath();
menu,, Menu

An object containing all of the DOM elements and functions of the menu.
//Adds a button to the menu that alerts "Hello World" when clicked.
menu.addOption("alert", function(){alert("Hello World")});
	menu = new Menu(elm.menu_elm, elm.nav_elm); = menu;
menuStyle A temporary style element created and used to style the menu.
//Generate a random set of colors for the menu each time the menu is hovered over.
elm.menu_elm.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
  if (menuStyle) {
 function makeRandom (){
     return Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
  menuStyle = document.createElement("style");
  const randomColor = makeRandom();
  const randomColorBG = makeRandom();
  const randomColorBorder = makeRandom();

  menuStyle.innerHTML = `
#menu.hover,#nav {background: #${randomColorBG};border-color: #${randomColorBorder};color: #${randomColor};}
 #nav li {border-top-color: #${randomColorBorder};}
 #nav li.hover {background-color: #${randomColorBG};}
 #coords {background-color: #${randomColorBG};color: #${randomColor};}`
	menuStyle.innerHTML = "#menu.hover, #nav {" +
			"background: " + color + ";" +
			"border-color: " + bColor + ";" +
			"color: " + tColor + ";" +
		"}\n" +
		"#nav li {" +
			"border-top-color: " + bColor + ";" +
		"}\n" +
		"#nav li.hover {" +
			"background-color: " + hColor + ";" +
		"}\n" +
		"#coords {" +
			"background-color: " + bColor + ";" +
			"color: " + tColor + ";" +
styles An object which controls the colors used within a world.
//Sets the public tile color to red.
styles.public = "red";
var styles = defaultStyles();
nextObjId An integer used to track edits.
//Writes the character "█" at the cursorCoords location, then updates the nextObjId id
const [tileX, tileY, charX, charY] = cursorCoords;
const editArray = [tileY, tileX, charY, charX, getDate(),"█", nextObjId]
var nextObjId = 1;


The current width and height of the DOM window.
//Estimate the total number of fully visible cells that could exist on the screen
const cellAmount = Math.floor(owotHeight/cellH * owotWidth/cellW);
	owotWidth = Math.round(window_width * ratio);
	owotHeight = Math.round(window_height * ratio);
js_alert_active A bool stating if the javascript alert window is open.
var js_alert_active = false;
worldFocused A bool stating if the owot canvas is in focus.
//check every 100ms if the owot canvas was last clicked, if it was then randomly change the public tile color.
setInterval(function() {
  if (worldFocused) {
    styles.public = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
}, 100)
if(closest(target, getChatfield()) || target == elm.chatbar || target == elm.confirm_js_code) {
		worldFocused = false;
	} else {
		worldFocused = true;
chatResizing A bool stating if the chat window is being resized.
//check every 100ms if the chat is resizing, if it is, change the public tile color
setInterval(function() {
  if (chatResizing) {
    styles.public = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
}, 100)
draggable_element(elm.chat_window, null, [
	elm.chatbar, elm.chatsend, elm.chat_close, elm.chat_page_tab, elm.chat_global_tab, elm.page_chatfield, elm.global_chatfield
], function() {
	if(chatResizing) {
		return -1;
tiles An object containing all the loaded tiles.
//Return any visible links
const [X,Y] = cursorCoords;
Tile.set = function(tileX, tileY, data) {
	var str = tileY + "," + tileX;
	if(!(str in tiles)) {
	tiles[str] = data;
	expandLocalBoundary(tileX, tileY);
	return data;

keysPressed, imgPatterns

Empty, unused objects.
var images = {};
var keysPressed = {};
previousErase An integer of the last date the erase function was utilised.
//Logs the previous erase time in a human-readable way.
function readPreviousErase() {
  if (previousErase == 0) {
  const date = new Date(previousErase);
  const options = {
    year: 'numeric',
    month: 'long',
    day: 'numeric',
    hour: '2-digit',
    minute: '2-digit',
    second: '2-digit',
    timeZoneName: 'short'
  console.log("last Erased at:", date.toLocaleString(undefined, options));
function event_input(e) {
	if(e.inputType == "deleteContentBackward") {
		if(getDate() - previousErase > 25 || !previousErase) {
			moveCursor("left", true);
			writeChar("\x08", true, null, false, 1);
		previousErase = getDate();
verticalEnterPos A 2D array coordinate of the position to go when pressing enter.
//Stair-step the return position on "enter"
textInput.addEventListener("input", function(e) {
  if (e.inputType === "insertLineBreak") {
    const [X, x] = verticalEnterPos;
    verticalEnterPos = [X, (x + 1) % 16]
		if(noVertPos) {
			coords.tileX = 0;
			coords.charX = 0;
		} else {
			coords.tileX = verticalEnterPos[0];
			coords.charX = verticalEnterPos[1];
textColorOverride public-member-owner bitfield used to modify the text color in fields.
	if(styles.public_text != "#000" && styles.public_text != "#000000") {
		textColorOverride |= public;
	} else {
		textColorOverride &= textColorOverride ^ public;
writeBuffer An object holding data waiting to be rendered to the canvas.
//Writes the character "█" at the cursorCoords location
const [tileX, tileY, charX, charY] = cursorCoords;
const editArray = [tileY, tileX, charY, charX, getDate(), "█", nextObjId++]
	tellEdit.push(editArray); // track local changes
	writeBuffer.push(editArray); // send edits to server
highlightFlash An object containing cell coordinates of cells to be highlighted.
//Flashes a random color on all visible cells
function flashRandom() {
  const visibleTiles = getVisibleTiles();
  const color = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 256), Math.floor(Math.random() * 256), Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)];
  const positions = [];

  // Generate the positions array
  for (const [tileX, tileY] of visibleTiles) {
    for (let charY = 0; charY < 8; charY++) {
      for (let charX = 0; charX < 16; charX++) {
        positions.push([tileX, tileY, charX, charY]);

  // Update highlightFlash based on positions
  for (const [tileX, tileY, charX, charY] of positions) {
    const tileKey = `${tileY},${tileX}`;
    highlightFlash[tileKey] ??= {};
    highlightFlash[tileKey][charY] ??= {};

    if (!highlightFlash[tileKey][charY][charX]) {
      highlightFlash[tileKey][charY][charX] = [getDate(), color, [...color]];
		if(!highlightFlash[tileY + "," + tileX]) {
			highlightFlash[tileY + "," + tileX] = {};
highlightCount An iterator used to limit the amount of highlights rendered to the canvas.
//Prevents the user from seeing highlights
highlightCount = Infinity;
		if(highlightCount > highlightLimit && !unlimited) return;
coloredChars An object holding all of the highlighted characters.
	var container = coloredChars[tileY + "," + tileX];
	if(!container) {
		container = {};
		coloredChars[tileY + "," + tileX] = container;
shiftOptState An object used to store the viewport values
var shiftOptState = { prevX: 0, prevY: 0, x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, prevZoom: -1 };