
From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 22:42, 15 March 2023 by (talk) (Made the info more accurate.)

This is an explaination of Rho.

General information
Place of birthSomewhere in Australia.
Physical description
Weight349 kg

Rho is a OWOT user that joined on 28th September 2021, and is still active even after 1 year.

Rho is also bad at scripting, so he has to borrow some scripts so he can have fun.

He does macros instead of scripting because it feels easier to do.

The only name he changed to was "Rhofinity".

Rho once made a macro thats spams like 8 messages a second to stop spammers from keep spamming and sometimes annoys people back then.

He sometimes do the <:D when he talks to ege, but rarely to someone else.

Also made a time macro that tells the exact time in Greenwich Mean Time.

He also made a macro thats tells how many cupcakes they baked just like PinkiePie.

He sometimes says "PankiePoo" when he is trying to get her online.

He gets angry when someone destroys his macro.

So yeah, that's basically it. ;_;