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Revision as of 16:27, 6 March 2024 by D9eoead (talk | contribs)
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Lemuria is a user who joined in November 2023. He found OWOT from spam comments on openstreetmap.

He is responsible for creating Our World of News and all it's "issues".


Edit wars and "AOP"

An edit war started between d9eoead and Lemuria when Lemuria created an SCP parody article about Ziggy. Trash:AOP-1044

Fearing a "Yellow Guy 2.0", d9eoead quicky blanked the article. Lemuria reverted this, and this looped over and over until d9eoead spammed the article with 100k bytes of Alejandro mpreg fart porn. Shortly afterwards, FP got involved, warned d9eoead and moved Lemuria's article to the Trash category. Lemuria reverted this a few times before stopping. Later, Lemuria created a copy of the article outside of the Trash category, which d9eoead soon discovered and moved back into the Trash category. Lemuria later deleted the copy article.

AOP, standing for Annoying OWOT Phenomena, is Lemuria's fan-made spinoff of the SCP Foundation. In main chat and on discord, Lemuria named himself "Nora Elise Proctor", whom is an original character in the AOP universe. Lemuria intentionally avoids any and all questions about the name changes and/or the character herself.

Suspicion of being an alt

Multiple people have speculated that Lemuria is actually an alt of Polonez, but both Polonez and Lemuria have denied these claims.