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Spacecake555... doesn't really know what to do with himself right now. He likes the color 6699FF. Everyone thinks he has FASD (really, people?), and he likes the book series Bug Boys.



List of Disorders

Actually Diagnosed

  • Autism

Diagnosed by other people

  • Mental retardation
  • FASD
  • ADHD
  • ODD


  • OCD

Favorite colors

Normal Colors

  1. green
  2. orange
  3. red
  4. black
  5. pink
  6. purple
  7. blue
  8. yellow
  9. white
  10. gray

Common Colors

11. emerald green

12. amber

13. hazel

14. dark green

15. chrystal pink

Uncommon colors

16. scratch orange

17. the hub blue

18. the hub yellow

19. alpha minecraft green

20. beta minecraft green

Hex colors

21. 6699FF

22. C0FFE