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Is Adelaide your boyfriend? Lmfao.

adelaide is my fanmade cat

”I’m just special” that is what they all say.

"'I’m just special' that is what they all say." that is what they all say

”fanmade cat” you think your garfield OC who doesn’t exist is going to eat me? You made him up. He isn’t going to escape the fictional dimension and swallow me whole.

"He isn’t going to escape the fictional dimension and swallow me whole." is what all the anti-fictional-escapism people say


tami: !howgay d9

[*9620] gay meter: ​d9 is 78.82719% gay

…you’re using a bot? something that doesn’t have a brain and generates random numbers?

you mean something with a brain

it’s a script made up of letters and numbers. It’s computer-generated messages. It automatically types them when you say a certain message. No one can reply that fast. Only a computer can.

also “that is what they all say” I am speaking the truth. They all think they’re “special people” and want to be treated good. Please, please just leave OWOT. If you don’t then everyone’s going to keep insulting you and it is never going to stop.

special people not equal treated good.

They want to be treated good. You were literally doing it.

no im not

>””I’m just special” that is what they all say.” that is what they all say< Coping mechanism.

>">””I’m just special” that is what they all say.” that is what they all say< Coping mechanism."< your coping mechanism

Adding the same shit that I did to my statements isn’t a way to speak.

"Adding the same shit that I did to my statements isn’t a way to speak." isnt a way to speak

I’m thinking about deleting this entire section because you’re just getting dumber and dumber with your responses on this and it shows.

listen big buster brown, if you don’t want to be called a fucking retard all the time then LEAVE OWOT. i refuse. Everyone there hates cuckolds like you, and I do too.

please refrain from bad words.

I use bad words because I want you to take me seriously. That is how fucking angry I am with you.

Please go somewhere else. This is pathetic and it’s actually making me feel bad for you. You deserve better than this. Please, get it through that thick fucking skull that you don’t belong there. Everyone will shame you for the way you act, the way you draw, what you do and your little “creatures”. Please get a life.

Also what the fuck is up with you and wanting to eat and kill me? i was just jokin Do you have a fetish about eating people? fictional people Do you want to kill people?

people in games

then why do you keep “threatening” me that you’re going to kill me even though I’m a real person?


Yeah you fucking dumbass.

grrr you have made me so angerful

it’s angry not angerful, read a dictionary for once

no, i have educomix

That isn’t a real dictionary.

What the fuck??????? This is fucking pathetic. -d9eoead

spacecake is a retard

no i have autism

Half of the spectrum is basically the same thing as retards. You act like a retard.

im mild autism

Doesn’t look like it.


he thinks these weird ass creatures called "awesomatas" exist (no they dont they are in my mind) and they eat fg apparently

awesomatas are MIND creatures not REAL creatures

So they aren’t real? They can’t f*cking colonize my mind like they’re Christopher Columbus. Also I’m not a fan of FG. They’ll fucking starve LMFAOOOOO

yeah, your PTSD will eat them up, but then more will appear

”PTSD” is trauma about a past event. It’s not some sort of carnivorous apex predator entity. Your misrepresentation of a serious condition is disgusting. War veterans have it because the war was traumatizing. Loud explosions and gunshots are triggers for them. “More will appear” they will literally starve out because I have no FG. They don’t exist. I don’ fucking care if they’re mind creatures, they still don’t exist. They aren’t fucking yokai or something. You think this is yokai watch? They can’t colonize your mind like Christopher Columbus.

he sounds like a 5 year old and he draws like shit


You sound like a toddler. To you it may not sound like it but to others it very much will. Your drawing is hilariously ridiculous. You just make the brush size super big and draw the shapes. You draw eyes and mouths as lines and dots. There are no outlines and shading. You can’t draw text so you use the text tool. It looks misplaced and it’s an eyesore.


You will get ridiculed because of it. Please learn how to draw and speak better.

but i have autism


read an educomix.

I regret clicking that link. It’s so fucking bad. It looks hilariously ugly and it has extremely bad writing. It’s clearly satire and isn’t made to be taken seriously. And you use that as education? Lmfao.

he looks like the classic nerd you'd see in elementary

cus i am there

I know. Being called a nerd is an insult.


I’m just putting that out there so you can understand.

awesomatas dont exist. if they did they would die within 5 minutes cause

they violate all laws of physics they dont have normal biological functions but they are awesome!

i don’t give a shit. They’re still super weird and stupid. They violate all biological functions.

i dont give a **** either

Then why the fuck are you still talking about them?

because there awesome

I don’t give a shit about that.


also for some reason he wants to eat and kill me in that order, possible vore fetish / psychopathy?


you’re altering my words to sound like I was joking. I was never joking.

he's gonna be a lil psycho when he grows up, his mom must be so proud 333:


and spacecake

Quit altering my fucking words.



Yeah go away. Please leave OWOT because everyone will keep ridiculing you and it will NEVER FUCKING STOP. If you leave then you will never have to deal with that shit.


Please go somewhere else. This is pathetic and it’s actually making me feel bad for you. You deserve better than this. Please, get it through that thick fucking skull that you don’t belong there. Everyone will shame you for the way you act, the way you draw, what you do and your little “creatures”. Please get a life.

Please go somewhere else. This is pathetic and it’s actually making me feel bad for you. You deserve better than this. Please, get it through that thick fucking skull that you don’t belong there. Everyone will shame you for the way you act, the way you draw, what you do and your little “creatures”. Please get a life.

Please go somewhere else. This is pathetic and it’s actually making me feel bad for you. You deserve better than this. Please, get it through that thick fucking skull that you don’t belong there. Everyone will shame you for the way you act, the way you draw, what you do and your little “creatures”. Please get a life.

please stop repeating

Hypocrite. look at the section where you keep on saying “isn’t a way to speak” and “coping mechanism”.