
From Our World of Text Wiki
Revision as of 04:15, 22 March 2023 by PinkiePie (talk | contribs)
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I'm PinkiePie! Hop on my train!!!

PinkiePie's gender is unknown, but it might be a female.

PinkiePie likes vodka, beer, and isopropyl alcohol. Sometimes PinkiePie sniffs markers with realredtext. This does not give PinkiePie the energy for a fun filled day of honest hard work and christian values.

PinkiePie has called FP the N-word at least 5247 times.

PinkiePie made the most powerful image paste script on OWOT, but this was fixed by FP.

Kevin was "very thankful" for PinkiePie's "help" on

PinkiePie is the spawniest of all spawnies.

Pinkiepie hates FieldLands.

PinkiePie had a fetish for estrabismo, an eye disease...

PinkiePie has been dating with JunoTehPlanet ever since he joined the OWOT community on Mid-October 2022

PinkiePie made; a very cool free speech oriented remake of the totalitarian regime known as Wokecat. [1]