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"i forgor what i said to be able to put it here" ― Nonaem, 2022


nonaem is an OWOT user with a main color of #9e9eff (username) and #1717a3 (text).

nonaem describes themselves as "just a normal person, so normal that i stand out". He also mentioned that "I don't know what to say."


AndreiXYZ hates Nonaem. Also everyone hates Bobfob from Discord but it's unknown.


  • Nonaem usually tries to do something they consider normal, then regrets it and gets embarrassed of it, such as:
    • typing this bullet line's past text
  • Nonaem's original OWOP name was NoNameiGuess.
    • Sometimes some people called him "Noname" for that matter, so he changed it to Noname for some reason.
      • However, Noname was already taken as a username on Uvias, so they used Nonaem for OWOT while still naming themselves Noname and lots of other names until eventually settling on the one that made their name bold.