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m (added more vars)
mNo edit summary
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!Example Usage
!Example Usage
!Code In Use
Line 226: Line 226:
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line="1" start="61">
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line="1" start="61">
var nextObjId = 1;
var nextObjId = 1;
|The current width and height of the DOM window.
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
//Estimate the total number of fully visible cells that could exist on the screen
const cellAmount = Math.floor(owotHeight/cellH * owotWidth/cellW);
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line="1" start="1170">
owotWidth = Math.round(window_width * ratio);
owotHeight = Math.round(window_height * ratio);
|A bool stating if the javascript alert window is open.
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line="1" start="64">
var js_alert_active = false;
|A bool stating if the owot canvas is in focus.
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
//check every 100ms if the owot canvas was last clicked, if it was then randomly change the public tile color.
setInterval(function() {
  if (worldFocused) {
    styles.public = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
}, 100)
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line="1" start="1737">
if(closest(target, getChatfield()) || target == elm.chatbar || target == elm.confirm_js_code) {
worldFocused = false;
} else {
worldFocused = true;
|A bool stating if the chat window is being resized.
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
//check every 100ms if the chat is resizing, if it is, change the public tile color
setInterval(function() {
  if (chatResizing) {
    styles.public = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
}, 100)
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line="1" start="441">
draggable_element(elm.chat_window, null, [
elm.chatbar, elm.chatsend, elm.chat_close, elm.chat_page_tab, elm.chat_global_tab, elm.page_chatfield, elm.global_chatfield
], function() {
if(chatResizing) {
return -1;
|An object containing all the loaded tiles.
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
//Return any visible links
const [X,Y] = cursorCoords;
|<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line="1" start="1416">
Tile.set = function(tileX, tileY, data) {
var str = tileY + "," + tileX;
if(!(str in tiles)) {
tiles[str] = data;
expandLocalBoundary(tileX, tileY);
return data;

Revision as of 16:28, 29 August 2023

Our World Of Text

Code Documentation




Name Description Example Usage Code In Use
YourWorld An object containing the users current text color, cell background color, and chat nick name.
//Sets the users color to a random one.
YourWorld.Color = Math.round((Math.random()*16777215));
var YourWorld = {
	Color: window.localStorage ? +localStorage.getItem("color") : 0,
	BgColor: -1,
	Nickname: state.userModel.username
owot The DOM canvas element
//Hides the owot canvas. = 0;
owot = document.getElementById("owot");
owotCtx The CanvasRenderingContext2D of the owot canvas
//Clears all the rendered tiles from the view.
owotCtx.clearRect(0, 0, owotWidth, owotHeight);
owotCtx = owot.getContext("2d");
textInput The DOM textarea element used for writing to the owot canvas.
//Paste "hello world" at the current cursor position.
textInput.value = `hello world`;
textInput = document.getElementById("textInput");
linkElm The DOM link element used for user link clicks.
//logs to the console whether or not the link is a javascript link.
console.log(linkParams.protocol === `javascript`);                   
linkElm = elm.link_element;
link_div The DOM link div element used to scale the linkElm to the same size as a cell within the owot canvas.
//Highlights the URL being hovered over. = `rgba(255,255,0,0.5)`
linkDiv = elm.link_div;
colorInput, colorInputBg The DOM color inputs to select text and cell background color.
//Generate a random color on the text color input field.
const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
	colorInputBg = modal.addEntry("Cell color", "color").input;
	colorInput = modal.addEntry("Text color", "color").input;
colorShortcuts, colorShortcutsBg A DOM div container used as a color pallet for quick access.
//Randomize all color palette colors.
const colorButtons = colorShortcuts.querySelectorAll('.color_btn');
  colorButtons.forEach(button => {
    if (button.title !== 'Random color') {
     const randomColor = `#${Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`; = randomColor;
      button.title = randomColor;
	for(var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
		var color = colors[i];
enums An unused object created to store position and write edits.
//Use enums.position as a template for creating an updatedPosition object
const newCoord = [7, 5, 3, 1];
const updatedPosition = { ...enums.position };
for (const key in updatedPosition) {
  if (updatedPosition.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    const positionIndex = updatedPosition[key];
    updatedPosition[key] = newCoord[positionIndex];
enums.edit = makeEnum(["tileY", "tileX", "charY", "charX", "time", "char", "id", "color"]);
enums.position = makeEnum(["tileX", "tileY", "charX", "charY"]);
ws_path Stores the pages' websocket path.
//Change the socket, refreshing the client ID
w.changeSocket(ws_path, true);
var ws_path = createWsPath();
menu,, Menu

An object containing all of the DOM elements and functions of the menu.
//Adds a button to the menu that alerts "Hello World" when clicked.
menu.addOption("alert", function(){alert("Hello World")});
	menu = new Menu(elm.menu_elm, elm.nav_elm); = menu;
menuStyle A temporary style element created and used to style the menu.
//Generate a random set of colors for the menu each time the menu is hovered over.
elm.menu_elm.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
  if (menuStyle) {
 function makeRandom (){
     return Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
  menuStyle = document.createElement("style");
  const randomColor = makeRandom();
  const randomColorBG = makeRandom();
  const randomColorBorder = makeRandom();

  menuStyle.innerHTML = `
#menu.hover,#nav {background: #${randomColorBG};border-color: #${randomColorBorder};color: #${randomColor};}
 #nav li {border-top-color: #${randomColorBorder};}
 #nav li.hover {background-color: #${randomColorBG};}
 #coords {background-color: #${randomColorBG};color: #${randomColor};}`
	menuStyle.innerHTML = "#menu.hover, #nav {" +
			"background: " + color + ";" +
			"border-color: " + bColor + ";" +
			"color: " + tColor + ";" +
		"}\n" +
		"#nav li {" +
			"border-top-color: " + bColor + ";" +
		"}\n" +
		"#nav li.hover {" +
			"background-color: " + hColor + ";" +
		"}\n" +
		"#coords {" +
			"background-color: " + bColor + ";" +
			"color: " + tColor + ";" +
styles An object which controls the colors used within a world.
//Sets the public tile color to red.
styles.public = "red";
var styles = defaultStyles();
nextObjId An integer used to track edits.
//Writes the character "█" at the cursorCoords location, then updates the nextObjId id
const [tileX, tileY, charX, charY] = cursorCoords;
const editArray = [tileY, tileX, charY, charX, getDate(),"█", nextObjId]
var nextObjId = 1;


The current width and height of the DOM window.
//Estimate the total number of fully visible cells that could exist on the screen
const cellAmount = Math.floor(owotHeight/cellH * owotWidth/cellW);
	owotWidth = Math.round(window_width * ratio);
	owotHeight = Math.round(window_height * ratio);
js_alert_active A bool stating if the javascript alert window is open.
var js_alert_active = false;
worldFocused A bool stating if the owot canvas is in focus.
//check every 100ms if the owot canvas was last clicked, if it was then randomly change the public tile color.
setInterval(function() {
  if (worldFocused) {
    styles.public = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
}, 100)
if(closest(target, getChatfield()) || target == elm.chatbar || target == elm.confirm_js_code) {
		worldFocused = false;
	} else {
		worldFocused = true;
chatResizing A bool stating if the chat window is being resized.
//check every 100ms if the chat is resizing, if it is, change the public tile color
setInterval(function() {
  if (chatResizing) {
    styles.public = "#" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215).toString(16).toUpperCase();
}, 100)
draggable_element(elm.chat_window, null, [
	elm.chatbar, elm.chatsend, elm.chat_close, elm.chat_page_tab, elm.chat_global_tab, elm.page_chatfield, elm.global_chatfield
], function() {
	if(chatResizing) {
		return -1;
tiles An object containing all the loaded tiles.
//Return any visible links
const [X,Y] = cursorCoords;
Tile.set = function(tileX, tileY, data) {
	var str = tileY + "," + tileX;
	if(!(str in tiles)) {
	tiles[str] = data;
	expandLocalBoundary(tileX, tileY);
	return data;