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fernozzle, formerly TwoSet, styropyro and multiple other alts)[citation needed], is arguably the most dedicated troll OWOT has ever dealt with. He joined in late 2021 as showtime, not trolling the community until 2023. His alts are commonly mistaken to be different people.

He quit and came back in 2023 as fernozzle. He wouldn't start trolling the community with multiple alts until early 2023. His alts are commonly mistaken to be different people. He is a New Yorker.

Notable alts are listed below.

Alternate accounts


Martillion was his first troll alt, appearing in January 2023. He would pretend to be a fictional googologist and act retarded enough to talk about a site he visited that secretly put every visitor's IP on a text file and get his IP and location (Bulgaria) leaked, though it might be a VPN. (It is) He also leaked his password.

He then made a world, /Martillion, which was essentially just a quiz of those events. He later renamed himself to Marfinity and stopped using that alt. The quiz is currently at /Marfinity.


Guest-1191 was his second trolling account fernozzle used after Marfinity. He would use a coin bot in global and act like a kid from TextWall. He would later begin his longest-running campaign of trolling, being anti-swear.

This alt uses the same account as Account-1192.


Account-1192 is a third iteration of fernozzle's alt accounts, but unlike with Guest-1191, fernozzle would be anti-swear for the entirety of Account-1192's existence. The anti-swear campaign became so retarded he would tell which words are swear words by pronouncing parts of the word (e.g. he would consider "people" a swear word because the beginning sounds like "pee", which isnt a swear). He uses the (•.•) emoticon as his signature.

When presented with Martillion's IP, Account-1192 would freak out, leading people to believe they are the same person.

He would later become obsessed with fast typing and started using the Dvorak keyboard layout. To reflect this obsession, he would rename his alt Ajjrgby-1192, which is "Account-1192" in the QWERTY layout if it was mapped over to Dvorak. Users then started calling him Allergy due to the similarity to the name Ajjrgby.

He created and advertised the world /AntiSwear, the then-official world of his anti-swear campaign. It used to have a limited public area (now unlimited) so people wouldn't spam the whole world with swear words. The phrase “Yes, we do ignore what appears when searching "is swearing good or bad" on google” in the protected areas was an indicator that it was a troll campaign all along. It also includes links like an anti-swear copypasta, a script that detects swear words in chat and tells people to stop swearing, a public area that would shrink a bit for every swear in there and alternatives for short versions of swear words (e.g. "f-word" meaning "firetruck" instead of "fuck"). fernozzle is the only known member (and owner) of the anti-swear campaign.

After being harassed and bullied to death, he changed his username to Gay-1193, unclaimed /AntiSwear and quit for a couple months. /AntiSwear is now owned and archived by Pippin.

This alt uses the same account as Profile-1195.


This alt was made when fernozzle got obsessed with fast typing. The name comes from the result of . It debuted when fernozzle posted a very notorious poll that asks you if you like "4194304". Nobody knew who 4194304 was at the time, and he made his first appearance a short time after the poll was first posted. He also posted the link to an "OWOT comment section" at the top of the Square of Publicity, which also received hate.

This alt contains Fernozzle’s worlds,along with the Fernozzle display name.


Test.falling1NWoT (Test for short) is an alt fernozzle made for his experimemtal worlds, like /OWOTGame, /EveryoneIsMember and his most known one (and the one he focused on the most), /TypingCompetition. As this wasn't a troll alt, some people didn't believe this was fernozzle, despite similar typing style and world design used in other alts. fernozzle then admitted he was Test and stopped using this alt. Since then, this alt has been renamed to TestAgain, though fernozzle has still never used this alt with its original "Test" name since he stopped.


Profile-1195 is a 4th iteration of the anti-swear alternate accounts. Shortly before this alt he used Dvorak-1194, deriving his obsession with fast typing and the Dvorak keyboard layout; he however didn't use this alt a lot, resorting to Profile-1195.

Apart from being anti-swear and obsessed with fast typing, he now attempts to be as "grammatically correct" as possible, even with usernames ("TheAwesomePikachu20" or "TAP20" instead of just "tap20"). He knows this annoys some users, and it's exactly why he does it. He also joins as an anon, being instantly identified as Profile-1195 or Allergy.

He made other anti-swear campaign worlds like /ANTI-Swear and /StopSwearing.

He is also obsessed with googology in general, making a googology version of former WOTD /four_4s.

In October 2023, he performed a couple proxy attacks in chat and ran a script that wiped swear words in the Square of Publicity, even outside of the SOP, he scripted in a message that claimed that the OWOT admins would disallow swearing in canvas starting that day. Obviously this was false as fp himself stated that "swearing will always be goddamn allowed".

This alt uses the same account as Test.falling1NWoT.


While not being an "alt" itself, fernozzle owns Nightbot, a bot mostly used for getting coins (similar to the one he used when he was Guest-1191) that also features commands that "give" users slices of pizza, or where people can roll a dice, or straight up "hack" or "kill" them, it is currently not active anymore


Canvaspammer is an alt who claims to be from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch on the Isle of Anglesey in Northern Wales. He usually uses Guest-1052's string writer to spam the word "CANVASPAMMER" on the main page, but also has a wiper and a proxy bot that he used to spam chat. He also claims to have spammed OWOP in the past.


GraviTraxHater is an alt that uses the same idea as Account-1192 and Profile-1195. The name comes from fernozzle wanting to make an alt that is the opposite of GraviTraxFan. The alt got created in November 2023 and got hacked in the same year due to a password leak.

Created around December 2023,, otherwise known as Bzuki's IP, is an alt that brags about his obnoxious total typing time on monkeytype.com and advertises the DVORAK keyboard layout despite nobody wanting to hear it. The nickname speaks for itself.


He is currently the 5th iteration of all the anti-swear troll accounts, who is still active to this day,

He also flexes and talks about monkeytype. Sometimes he helps people in /NUM_NUMS worlds. He always brags about people swearing too much, and he claims OWOT can fall if people keep swearing too much[1]


User-1196 is a account typin_ used for his troll campaign, and nothing has been known about him.


This user presumably is another account User-1196/typin_

he also used to promote his campaign, it's unverified if he's a alt or not.


He previously was a polonz account, the account is now owned by Fernozzle. Here’s a brief history: Polonz changed his name to dawgdawgdawg and made himself look like a different person, Guest-1052 noticed he was suspiciusly acting like Polonz. He was from Poland,and dawgdawgdawg denied it at first.After that, he revealed that he actually was Polonz.

dawgdawgdawg (also known as dawg or dawg³) is an OWOT user known for making OWOT Teletext

One of his most famous worlds is /owot_teletext, which is a "teletext" about OWOT.

whatever stuff Polonz made

  • on roblox he made a build full of ads(also includes something that BREAKS THE ROAD BLOCKS TOSS1!1111
  • he made shit not just like owot teletext, but also a world "filled" with billboards this
  • recently he has been working on his roblox game with btools(ITS PENIS TIME BOYS!!!!!)

this article doesnt describe much because idk

  1. i think hes was right