Weekly Briefing Release 26 Mar 2 - Mar 9
/HowToChess nominated as WOTD

The world /HowToChess has been nominated as WOTD on March 10, 2025, at 04:59 AM [GMT Time].
The world was found unclaimed when it was nominated. Therefore, FP claimed the world and is now the owner.
Wiki updated
The OWOT wiki has been upgraded from version 1.39 to 1.43. In addition, the database has been converted from PostgreSQL to MariaDB, which is the database officially endorsed by Wikimedia.
The justification for migrating to MariaDB is in part because MediaWiki isn't as optimized for PostgreSQL as MariaDB or MySQL. Several errors and bugs have led to the decision to painstakingly port dozens of tables over to a MariaDB database.