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lime.owot (originating from lime.another or lime.person in TextWall) is a piece of shit Textwaller.


Aliaseslime.another, lime.owot, Lime, It (Blob)
General information
Marital statusNot married, JUST TO BE CLEAR.
Date of birth2011
Place of birthHong Kong
Physical description
Height1 character
Weight0 nanograms / ~30150 grams
Eye colorVery deep brown

lime.owot came from TextWall by the name of lime.another, another textgrid site that is trash.

lime.owot joined TextWall in the year 2020~21 (month and day unknown) as lime.person (and got hacked somehow so they changed their name to lime.another), and learnt about OWOT and OWOP from there (both in 2022).

After creating an Uvias account for no reason in particular, they claimed the world /lime.owot on the 25th of August 2022, and used it to recreate two of his works from TextWall, shown below.

Subsection 1 - Our Hotel of Text

This was the OWOT recreation of the TextWall Hotel (EOS version), but with:

  • Sofas
  • Extended length
  • 5 floors, 0 to 4 (as of 26th of September 2022)
  • Teleport portal replaced with 2 elevators
  • Moved the "twh" sign to sticking out of the side of the hotel
  • The sign is different in general (because of course it's going to be a different name)
  • All doors are brown
  • Credits (see Credits subsubsection)
  • No OROT (our restaurant of text), yet.
Subsubsection 1.5 - In-built credits

Floor 0 has no credits.

Floor 1
TextWall Hotel by
Our Hotel of Text by

Floor 2
Inspired by how crappy
TextWall Hotel v4 was
No offense
Actually, yes offense

Floor 3
Sofas by lime.owot

Floor 4
Special thanks to the creators
of the original TextWall Hotel

(Did you go to the
4th floor just to read

Subsection 2 - Our Restaurant of Text

Notable changes from TextWall Restaurant:

  • Kitchen portal is replaced with a kitchen door
  • "Remember to use soap!" on top of the sinks has become "Use le soap or die."
  • The rainbow "MORE SEATS" and "EVEN MORE" have become red to aquamarine colored.
  • The cashiers are now green.
  • The different sign on the top.


  • Lime might be 11 years old.
  • lime.uses he/him/they/them/it pronouns.
  • trying to convince OWOT's community that TextWall has less fictional googology and Numberblocks than before.
  • lime.owot has amount of meaning in life.
  • being accused by ꭆꬴꜹꝲꭆꬴdtꞓꞳt of being gay.