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Links on Our World of Text are clickable cells that may take you to a webpage or a different location.

There are several types of links. In order to set links, hover over Menu and press Create link to URL or Create link to coordinates. Enter the details and press Go. You may click on a cell to set the link. Additionally, you can hold Ctrl and move your mouse around to highlight the cells and then press Alt+S or Ctrl+S to set the links. You may hold Shift to unselect the cells. You may press Esc to cancel setting a link.

URL links

When clicked, URL links will bring you to a different page.

To create a URL link, click on Create link to URL in the menu. Then input your URL in the URL box and press Go. If you are linking to an external site, be sure to include https:// before the URL. If you're linking to a world, you can simply just input /forexample which will bring the user to the /forexample world when clicked.

Coordinate links

When clicked, coordinate links will bring you to a different location within the world.

To create a coordinate link, click on Create link to coordinates in the menu. Then input the X and Y position in the modal and press Go.

To view the coordinates you are currently at, hover over Menu and toggle Show coordinates.

Coordinates have a limit of (+/-)14073748835532 on the X axis and (+/-)15637498706147 on the Y axis due to client limitations.

JavaScript links

JavaScript links will execute JavaScript code when clicked. Two warnings will be shown to the user before any code can be run. JavaScript links will not work on public areas on the front page for reasons detailed here.

To create a JavaScript link, click on Create link to URL in the menu. Then type javascript: in the URL box and input your JavaScript code. Finally, press Go to begin placing your link.

Example: javascript:alert("hello, world!")

Com/Comu links

Com and Comu links will send a broadcast packet to all clients within the same world that are specifically listening to these packets. This is useful for creating interactive games that operate by having the user click on links.

To create a Com or Comu link, click on Create link to URL in the menu. Then type com: or comu: in the URL box and input your message after it. Finally, press Go to begin placing your link.

Example: com:Hello, world!

A Com link will broadcast a message to all clients within the world that are subscribed to broadcast messages.

A Comu link is the same as a Com link but it also includes the display username and Uvias ID of the user that clicked the link.

Action links

Action links will perform a safe action without risk of running dangerous code on your client and without needing to go through two warnings every time.

To create an action link, click on Create link to URL in the menu. Then type action: in the URL box followed by the action and its arguments if necessary. Finally, press Go to begin placing your link.

The argument format is property=value where value can be a string encased in single or double quotes, or without any quotes. Arguments are separated by spaces.

You may experiment with action links here.

The possible actions will be detailed below:


This action sets your client's theme to night mode.


This action resets your client's theme to its default light mode.


This action sets your client's color scheme to its arguments.

Parameters: public, member, owner, text, menu, cursor, guestCursor, publicText, memberText, ownerText


  • action:theme owner="#0dd" member="#0ee" public="#cff" text="#044"
  • action:theme public=orange member=#FF0000 owner="rgb(200, 100, 50)"
  • action:theme publicText="pink" memberText="orange" ownerText="blue"


This action copies a character. If without any parameters, it copies the character the link is on.

Optional parameter: char


  • action:copy
  • action:copy char="∆"